Two essays on the importance of cycling for poverty alleviation

Tipo de publicação

Relatório de Pesquisa

Tipo de autoria

Instituição da Sociedade Civil

Nome do autor

Interface for Cycling Expertise



Abrangência geográfica




Ano da publicação


Palavra chave 1


Palavra chave 2

américa latina

Palavra chave 3


Palavra chave 4

Políticas Públicas

Palavra chave 5

Redução da Pobreza


The Bicycle Partnership Program is working in the fields of cycling mobility and poverty reduction in urban areas in Africa, Asia and Latin America. The Program is structured on the basis of:
1 The notion that cycling mobility consists of three related components, namely cyclists, bicycles and cycling infrastructure. The most effective way to further develop cycling mobility is to address all three components simultaneously.
2 The integrated approach. The notion that cycling mobility is part and parcel of the whole traffic system. Therefore, the focus is on cycling inclusive planning and policy.
3 The partnership approach.The Program focuses on strengthening the capacities of key actors in the field of cycling mobility in connexion to poverty reduction. Therefore, outputs are defined in terms of developments at actor level.
The relations between output, outcome, effect and objectives belong to the sphere of influence of the Bicycle Partnership Program (see table 1.1). As will be explained below, we expect that the implementation of pro poor cycling policies leads to an increase in cycling mobility. In turn, we expect that more cycling one of the factors is that contributes to poverty reduction, improved air quality and to cities that are more sustainable and liveable. Finally, we expect that the Bicycle Partnership Program contributes to these developments through
realising its outputs, which belong to its sphere of control.

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