The Relationship Between Social Innovation and Active Mobility Public Services

Tipo de publicação



law & mobility journal

Tipo de autoria

Instituição pública

Nome do autor

silvia stuchi / sonia paulino



Abrangência geográfica




Ano da publicação


Palavra chave 1

inovação social

Palavra chave 2

Mobilidade ativa

Palavra chave 3

Políticas Públicas

Palavra chave 4


Palavra chave 5

urbanismo tático


this article aims to discuss the relationship between social innovation and public services on active mobility. Two active mobility initiatives are considered in the city of São Paulo, and analyzed based on 11 variables that characterize social innovation. Through the mapping of recent Brazilian regulatory frameworks for active mobility and a low-carbon economy, we can propose the following relationship: the more local (municipal) the public policy, the greater its social influence and participation. However, despite the advances indicated by both experiences of active mobility analyzed (highlighting the role of organized civil society), and by the progress in the regulatory framework, until now innovative practices in the local context have been restricted to the treatment of pedestrian spaces. Therefore, there exists a great potential for the continued introduction of innovations in the improvement and scale of public services for pedestrian mobility, following the paradigm of sustainable urban mobility, and based on social participation.

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