The New Majority – Pedaling Towards Equity

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Relatório de Pesquisa

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Instituição pública

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Bike League and Sierra Club



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Políticas Públicas


Bicycling is on the rise across the U.S. Adults are capitalizing on the health and economic benefits of active transportation, while an increasing number of young people are forgoing drivers’ licenses to save money and embrace more walkable, bikeable lifestyles.
The new majority that elected a president — youth, women and people of color — is playing a key role in pedaling the country toward a more Bicycle Friendly America. These diverse communities are embracing bicycling at a high rate, redefining the face and trajectory of the bicycle movement and the way the nation addresses transportation. An increasingly powerful and growing constituency, previously underrepresented groups are cultivating new campaigns and bike cultures that address the needs, serve the safety and improve the health of all residents who ride — or want to ride. These new riders, leaders and organizations are making #WOMENBIKE biking accessible and inviting to all Americans — while making the case for a safer and more equitable transportation system in communities nationwide.
For too long, many of these diverse populations have been overlooked by traditional organizations and transportation planners.
In too many instances, people of color have been largely left out of transportation decision-making processes that have dramatically impacted their neighborhoods. Rising up in response to this disenfranchisement, new leaders are rallying against stark disparities in bicycling facilities — and safe streets. These organizations aren’t just engaging new communities in traditional campaigns, but opening new avenues of conversation — shifting the focus from bicycling itself to how bikes address the core everyday issues faced in their unique communities.

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