The European Good Practice Guide: Exemplares of Action Undertaken in Cities and the Periphery

Tipo de publicação


Tipo de autoria

Instituição da Sociedade Civil

Nome do autor

Association Europea de Vías Verdes and European Commisson



Abrangência geográfica


Ano da publicação

Sem data

Palavra chave 1


Palavra chave 2



1 2
P r a c t i c a l
Tips for
the Local
D ecisio n -Ma k e r s
Co n t a ct the Eu ro pean Gre e n wa ys Ass oc i a t i o n .
I n ve n to ry of Gre e n wa ys and Mapping of all co l l e cted data.
De finition of the ownership status of the infra s t r u ct u re s .
I d e n t i fi cation of the affe cted part i e s .
Se a rch for part n e r s .
Setting-up of the Legal Instruments and Re g u l a t i o n .
Completion of a Fe a s i b i l i ty Study.
Completion of the Pro j e ct and of the Spe c i fi ca t i o n s .
S t a rting-up of the civil wo r k s .
Management and Mainte n a nce Ag re e m e n t s .
Opening of the Gre e n wa y.
Promotion and dissemination of expe r i e nces through
the Eu ro pean Gre e n wa ys Ass oc i a t i o n .

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