The European Cycle Route Network Eurovelo

Tipo de publicação


Tipo de autoria

Instituição pública

Nome do autor

European Parliament



Abrangência geográfica




Ano da publicação


Palavra chave 1

Logística e transporte

Palavra chave 2



This study focuses specifically on travel between places by bicycle for leisure purposes. It
provides an overview of the cycle tourism market across Europe and seeks to evaluate the
potential for development.
The research paper concentrates on EuroVelo, a European cycle route network which seeks
to offer a sustainable Trans-European Network. This network is managed by the European
Cyclists’ Federation which is working towards the goal of all routes offering high standards
of design, signage and promotion throughout Europe. The report assesses whether or not
this network could enhance the overall transport and tourism offering in Europe.
The study also addresses an idea to develop a new long distance trail which offers the
potential to bring three core themes of culture, heritage and nature to a new market. The
Iron Curtain Trail seeks to offer opportunities to discover over 20 countries, including 14 EU
Member States, on the nearly 10,500 km route from the Barents Sea to the Black Sea. It is
a very good example of the potential of cross border tourism in that many visitors will
choose to cycle between 2 cities (and across borders) as part of their holiday.

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