Taking the tyke on a bike: mothers’ and childless women’s space-time geographies in Amsterdam compared

Tipo de publicação


Curso ou área do conhecimento



Environment and Planning

Tipo de autoria

Pessoa Física

Nome do autor

Amanda Eyer, Antonio Ferreira



Abrangência geográfica

País estrangeiro específico


Países Baixos

Ano da publicação


Palavra chave 1



This paper investigates the relationship between cycling and mothers’ mobility
in Amsterdam. Considering that mothers (still) tend to be responsible for transporting
children and doing so on a bicycle may increase the difficulties of travel, the city’s push
for cycling may not suit mothers’ mobility needs. Hence, this research aimed to uncover
whether mothers’ physical levels and experience of mobility by bicycle are by any means
inferior to childless women’s in Amsterdam. Activity-travel data, collected among thirtyseven
women living and working in Amsterdam, informed the results of this research.
Throughout a space-time GIS analysis, mothers barely differed from childless women
in their amount of and predilection for cycling: mothers generally did not consider the
transport of their children on the bicycle as an exertion or safety issue, but rather as a
practical means of transport and a pleasurable moment to bond with children. However,
mothers and childless women often differed in their travel schedules and purposes, implying
that mothers face specific mobility challenges, which evolve as children grow older.
Keywords: mobility challenges, cycling, space-time GIS, motherhood, time geography,

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