Sustainable transportation planning on college campuses
Tipo de publicação
Curso ou área do conhecimento
Engenharia de Transportes
Transport Policy 10 (2003) 35–49
Tipo de autoria
Pessoa Física
Nome do autor
Carlos J.L. Balsas
Abrangência geográfica
País estrangeiro específico
Estados Unidos
Ano da publicação
Palavra chave 1
Palavra chave 2
The United States has an extremely high automobile dependence. Automobiles not only are the focus of transportation systems but they very often push the planning decision making processes (Newman and Kenworthy, 1999). It is extensively accepted that trends in motorization on college campuses equate those experienced by society at large. In the last decade, campus planners have struggled to provide access and mobility without destroying campus qualities as distinct communities. Due to federal requirements concerning air quality, increasing congestion, lack of land for parking, the high cost of constructing parking structures, pressures to reduce traffic’s impact on surrounding neighborhoods, and constraints on financial resources, many universities are exploring a range of environmentally appealing solutions to alleviate congestion and improve safety for all campus users (Poinsatte and Toor, 2001).
Many of these solutions are based on the concept of transportation demand management (TDM), which include market prices for parking, expanded transit access, park and ride lots complemented by bus shuttles, rideshare programs, bicycle and pedestrian facilities and traffic-calming schemes, among others.