Strava Metro data for bicycle monitoring: a literature review

Tipo de publicação


Curso ou área do conhecimento

Engenharia de Transporte


Transport Reviews

Tipo de autoria

Pessoa Física

Nome do autor

Kyuhyun Lee e Ipek Nese Sener



Abrangência geográfica


Ano da publicação


Palavra chave 1


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Palavra chave 5

Strava Metro


Monitoring bicycle trips is no longer limited to traditional sources,

such as travel surveys and counts. Strava, a popular fitness tracker,

continuously collects human movement trajectories, and its

commercial data service, Strava Metro, has enriched bicycle

research opportunities over the last five years. Accrued knowledge

from colleagues who have already utilised Strava Metro data can

be valuable for those seeking expanded monitoring options. To

convey such knowledge, this paper synthesises a data overview,

extensive literature review on how the data have been applied to

deal with driversbicycle-related issues, and implications for future

work. The review results indicate that Strava Metro data have the


potentialalthough finiteto be used to identify various travel

patterns, estimate travel demand, analyse route choice, control for

exposure in crash models, and assess air pollution exposure.

However, several challenges, such as the under-representativeness

of the general population, bias towards and away from certain

groups, and lack of demographic and trip details at the individual

level, prevent researchers from depending entirely on the new

data source. Cross-use with other sources and validation of

reliability with official data could enhance the potentiality.

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