ROAD DIARIES: thoughts on cycling while female

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Pessoa Física

Nome do autor

Bud Tymczyszyn



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Most men (including my husband) don’t realize how much women, particularly moms, do during the day. My trips are rarely simple (just going from A to B) and it can be tough to accomplish everything (take kids to day care, get to work, be an employee, make doctors and other appointments for kids, do grocery shopping, pick kids up, get home, make dinner, etc. Do it all again). I think men have simpler days and schedules than women. Not that they aren’t busy, but women and moms still are expected to do more than men. And trying to do all of that on a bike is damn near impossible.
So when men at my office make comments like “oh why didn’t you bike today?
too rainy for you?”,
I want to say “actually, no.
I just drove my kid to the doctor, took the dog to the vet, drove as fast as I could to get to work and look half presentable, and after work I have other errands to run.”

And I’m an avid bike commuter! m (12 miles every day in Portland

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