Niterói’s Bike Angel School Yearbook 2018
Tipo de publicação
Relatório de Pesquisa
Tipo de autoria
Instituição pública
Nome do autor
Fátima Priscila Morela Edra (Coord.)
Abrangência geográfica
Rio de Janeiro
Ano da publicação
Palavra chave 1
Palavra chave 2
Cycling means
Palavra chave 3
cycling tourism
Palavra chave 4
neighborhood environment
Palavra chave 5
Social support
Palavra chave 6
urban cycling
We invite you to ‘ride’ on the following pages. Separated in six chapters, the first one shows annual and monthly data of Bike Anjo School’s workshops in 2018, which it is possible to know participants’ characteristics. In chapters two and three, social support and neighborhood environment, that present data regarding participants’ daily life that might contribute or not towards urban cycling adoption and the practice of it as a lifestyle, aspects shown in the fourth chapter. In order
to understand multiplier effects, the chapter five shows cycling tourism in participants’ life after EBA’s workshops, whether this lifestyle has crossed Niterói’s boundaries, of the state, and why not abroad Brazil? Last but not least, the sixth chapter shows how bicycle rides are seen from participants’ point of view, considering sensations such as wellness,
social life and physical appearance among others since they became cyclists.
We expect that this material contributes to common knowledge regarding Niterói’s cycling scenario and helps in decision making from State and private sectors, as well as society’s admission on actions in order to build up a happier and much cycling city.