Mobilities, climate change and rights of city

Tipo de publicação



International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science

Tipo de autoria

Instituição pública

Nome do autor

Marcelo de Troi; Paulo Rocha Juliano de Carvalho



Abrangência geográfica




Ano da publicação


Palavra chave 1

bike sharing

Palavra chave 2


Palavra chave 3

climate change

Palavra chave 4


Palavra chave 5


Palavra chave 6

Tem Bici


This article analyzes the relationship between mobility, climate crisis and the right of city in Salvador, capital of the state of Bahia, Brazil. In addition to briefly describing the history of the city’s mobility and its fundamental role in social relations, we demonstrate how it has been the subject of countless conflicts over the 19th and 20th centuries. Using bike sharing system data, we also demonstrate how active modes of transport are an important practice in central areas. Using the bicycle as a means of transportation can not only mean a reduction in the use of cars, but also a reduction in greenhouse gas emissions in the atmosphere. In the analysis of data on the movement of bicycles shared between April 2018 and April 2019 in the old center of Salvador, we noticed that the routes suggest routes and practices aligned with Transit-Oriented Development, a concept coined in the 90s and aimed at building democratic, sustainable and diverse cities.

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