Do Bike Lanes Enhance Safety For Cyclists Using The Roads?

Tipo de publicação

Relatório de Pesquisa

Tipo de autoria

Instituição da Sociedade Civil

Nome do autor

Portland State University



Abrangência geográfica




Ano da publicação


Palavra chave 1

política de transporte

Palavra chave 2

Políticas Públicas

Palavra chave 3

Segurança no trânsito


Researchers in Oregon have long looked at transportation differently. Where most transportation research focused on highways and cars, we realized that the future would require different choices. Ten years ago, a transportation center was established at Portland State University with a different view. Researchers and educators at this center would look at how transportation
could help build healthy, sustainable communities. The center brought together like-minded researchers from four Oregon universities to find answers to questions like: “how does land use and
transportation planning create the kind of places we want to live in”; “how can we get more out of investments we’ve already made in our streets and transit systems”; and “what will it take to make the most sustainable ways of getting around— walking, cycling and transit—also the safest and most convenient?”

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