Cambridge Cycle Parking Guide

Tipo de publicação


Curso ou área do conhecimento


Tipo de autoria

Instituição pública

Nome do autor

Cambridge Cycling Campaign



Abrangência geográfica

País estrangeiro específico



Ano da publicação


Palavra chave 1


Palavra chave 2


Palavra chave 3


Palavra chave 4

Parque urbano

Palavra chave 5

Políticas Públicas


Conheça o “Guia de boas práticas para instalação de estacionamentos de bicicletas: paraciclos e bicicletários” da UCB – União de Ciclistas do Brasil em


on the car. We need to break that cycle of dependence, to embrace and encourage
simpler, less demanding modes of transport like cycling.
Cambridge is one of the few British cities with cycling levels approaching those of
continental Europe. One in four people in Cambridge cycle to work and the overall modal
share is ten times the national average. Yet there is an acute shortage of cycle parking in the
city. We need to address this to:
Provide a convenient facility for the many people who already cycle for their everyday
transport needs.
Reduce cycle theft – the most common crime in Cambridge – and its
deterrent effect on cycling.
Encourage more people to cycle for the good of their health, for the good
of our city, and for the good of the environment.
Reduce the nuisance resulting from ad-hoc cycle parking on the street.
Encourage people to use local businesses rather than driving out to
peripheral developments with sprawling car parks.

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