Bike Share – Intercept Survey Toolkit

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Instituição da Sociedade Civil

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The Toolkit is designed to help you create, administer,
and implement intercept surveys.
The first section provides guidance on when and why to use an
intercept survey. The second section includes practical information on
creating and administering a survey in a methodologically valid way.
The final section offers a bank pre-tested survey questions, in English
and Spanish, which users can use to build their own surveys.
This Toolkit includes step-by-step guidance and tools for creating a
customized intercept survey, including:
»» How, when, and where to survey
»» Picking the right questions
»» Recording and organizing responses
»» Training surveyors
»» Over 100 questions in English and Spanish covering major topics in
bike share and biking
»» Example surveys that cover common topics (downloadable in Word)
»» Example survey data collection forms (downloadable in Excel)

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