Bicycling and Walking in the U.S.

Tipo de publicação

Relatório de Pesquisa

Tipo de autoria

Instituição da Sociedade Civil

Nome do autor

Thunderhead Alliance



Abrangência geográfica

País estrangeiro específico


Estados Unidos

Ano da publicação


Palavra chave 1


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Palavra chave 3

Políticas Públicas


The Thunderhead Alliance is the only North American coalition with a mission to create, strengthen and unite state and local bicycle and pedestrian advocacy organizations. Since our founding in 1996, we have grown from 12 to 128 member organizations representing 49 states and two Canadian provinces.
In the last 11 years, we have improved the effectiveness of our organizations through trainings and the sharing of best practice models in organizational development and bicycling and walking initiatives. We are continually improving our delivery channels through executive coaching, replicable models, trainings, roundtables, our on-call support system and our members’ web resources library.
Thunderhead organizations inform and organize their communities to improve conditions for bicycling and walking, promoting these as healthy and enjoyable ways to travel. From advocating for bikeways and walkways to conducting safety courses, our coalition is changing attitudes and the environment in communities across North America. Thunderhead Alliance connects these grassroots forces, sharing best practices, creating peer networking and supporting each other in our efforts to promote bicycling and walking for healthy communities, a healthy environment, and a better quality of life.

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