Bicycle Parking Guidelines

Tipo de publicação


Tipo de autoria

Empresa privada

Nome do autor

ACT Planning & Land Authority



Abrangência geográfica

País estrangeiro específico



Ano da publicação


Palavra chave 1


Palavra chave 2


Palavra chave 3


Palavra chave 4


Palavra chave 5

Parque urbano

Palavra chave 6



Conheça o “Guia de boas práticas para instalação de estacionamentos de bicicletas: paraciclos e bicicletários” da UCB – União de Ciclistas do Brasil em


These Guidelines are an initiative of The Sustainable Transport Plan for the ACT.1
The Plan aims to achieve a more sustainable transport system for the ACT over the
next 25 years by achieving a shift away from car use and towards walking, cycling
and public transport. For cycling, the objective is to increase the proportion of
commuter trips from 2.3% in 2001 to 7% in 2026.
Meeting this target will require a significant improvement in the ACT’s cycling
infrastructure. The Government is therefore investing in a range of cycling
infrastructure initiatives including a program of cycle path network improvements
and ‘bike-and-ride’ racks on ACTION buses. To achieve the full benefits of these
network infrastructure initiatives, adequate end-of-trip facilities need to be available.
According to the ACT Parking Strategy Study, “the availability of safe and secure
bicycle parking is a priority factor influencing the decision of whether to use a bicycle
as a means of transport or recreation. Conversely, a lack of convenient bicycle
parking is often cited as a discouragement factor by cyclists and non-cyclists
alike.” 2
In addition to its transport system and environmental benefits, cycling has a range of
health benefits. There is a well-established link between increased levels of
physical activity such as cycling and improved physical and mental health.
Commuter cycling can be particularly beneficial as it integrates increased physical
activity into people’s daily routines, leading to long-term behaviour change. These
Guidelines are therefore also consistent with the aims of the Canberra Social Plan,
which include improving the health of Canberra residents by increasing physical
Finally, many of the facilities required by cyclists are also of benefit to other building
users. Showers can benefit manual workers, pedestrians and those who exercise at
lunchtime. Bicycle parking can also be used for motorised scooter parking by
persons with a mobility impairment.

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