Against Automobility

Tipo de publicação


Tipo de autoria

Pessoa Física

Nome do autor

Steffen Bohm; Campbell Jones; Chris Land; Matthew Patterson (Editores)



Abrangência geográfica




Ano da publicação


Palavra chave 1

Aspectos sociais

Palavra chave 2


Palavra chave 3

Políticas Públicas


Despite its promise of freedom and autonomy, the ubiquity of the automobile has influenced unforeseen ecological, social, and political change. In Against Automobility , a panel of distinguished scholars take a critical look at the contradiction of the automobile. A critical account of the impact of the car on society, which is both liberated by and reliant upon motor vehicles. Written by a panel of distinguished scholars from varying disciplines in the humanities and social sciences. Examines automobility′s effect on environmental, social, and political issues. Will be of interest to those whose research focuses on geography, politics, consumption and cultural studies, critical theory, and the sociology of objects and everyday life.

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