NACTO Bike Share Station Siting Guide

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Better Bike Share Partnership



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Estados Unidos

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As bike share systems continue to grow and expand throughout North America, station siting is a critical issue for cities and operators. While each city experiences its own challenges and opportunities, a careful look across cities can offer valuable lessons for station siting, opening up new location types for placement and contributing to citywide traffic safety enhancements.
In some places, necessary station densification will require practitioners to look beyond the “low hanging fruit” for station locations.
In other cities, expansion into residential neighborhoods will require additional consideration of a wider range of station locations.
NACTO’s Bike Share Station Siting Guide highlights best practices in station siting from around the United States and provides guidance on bike share station typologies and principles. It offers examples of a variety of siting types, providing photos and technical drawings to show how bike share stations can be situated in the streetscape.
In addition, the Guide offers examples of street treatments that are commonly used to demarcate and protect on-street stations and provides guidance for surfaces, wayfinding and ad/sponsor panels, and siting around utilities. The Guide is a valuable resource for planners and operators alike who are striving to create successful, sustainable bike share systems.

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