Towards people oriented indicators for acessibility, road safety and environment

Tipo de publicação


Tipo de autoria

Instituição da Sociedade Civil

Nome do autor

Interface for Cycling Expertise



Abrangência geográfica


Ano da publicação

Sem data

Palavra chave 1


Palavra chave 2


Palavra chave 3

Meio ambiente

Palavra chave 4

Segurança viária


UNEP is currently embarking on a project to encourage institutional donors to allocate a percentage of all investments in road infrastruture to facilities for improving the safefy of all users, inclusive of Non-Motorized Transport, with the objective of making entire transport systems safer, more sustainable and more acessible. In order to be able to assess the impact of any investment, the affect on road safety, environment and acessibility has to be anticipated by the investor, the autority and the decision-maker.

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