Urban Commons in Active Mobility Experiences

Tipo de publicação



international journal of the commons

Tipo de autoria

Instituição pública

Nome do autor

silvia stuchi / sonia paulino



Abrangência geográfica




Ano da publicação


Palavra chave 1

comuns urbanos

Palavra chave 2

Mobilidade ativa

Palavra chave 3


Palavra chave 4

urbanismo tático


Our study focuses on the challenges facing sustainable urban mobility in the megacity of Sao Paulo. We aim to explore the panorama of active mobility initiatives, proposing to analyze the relationship between urban commons and innovation in public services. We selected the Reduced Speed Zone and Complete Street initiatives, which aim to improve road safety conditions (public services focused on common infrastructure), active mobility and access to public transport, and may also potentially help to reduce noise levels, improve air quality (social dilemmas/common issues/negative externalities) and reduce greenhouse gas emissions (global commons). Based on an analytical model for interpreting innovation in services, considering competences and techniques originating from the provider (municipal government) and users (through civil society organizations), our findings identified innovations at a local level within infrastructure treatment for pedestrians. These public services were introduced in a participatory process and a collective re-appropriation of urban space. The projects contribute to the development of service provider competences, related to various interactions with civil

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