Shifting streets COVID-19 mobility data: Findings from a global dataset and a research agenda for transport planning and policy

Tipo de publicação


Curso ou área do conhecimento




Tipo de autoria

Pessoa Física

Nome do autor

Tabitha S. Combs, Carlos F. Pardo



Abrangência geográfica


Ano da publicação


Palavra chave 1


Palavra chave 2


Palavra chave 3


Palavra chave 4

Políticas Públicas


The COVID‐19 pandemic brought a dramatic shift in demand for spaces for safe, physically distanced walking,
bicycling, and outdoor commerce. Cities around the world responded by instituting a variety of policies and
programs meant to address this shift, such as carving out roadway space for non‐car uses, putting pedestrian
walk signals on recall, reducing speed limits, and subsidizing bike share schemes. The extraordinarily rapid

pace and global scale of these responses—and the public’s reactions to them—suggest that the transport plan-
ning, policy, and engineering professions may be at an inflection point with respect to equitable accommoda-
tion of non‐car transport modes. In this paper we describe an effort to support potential shifts in practice by

documenting and cataloging over a thousand COVID‐19‐related mobility responses into a publicly available

database. We provide detailed guidance on using the database, along with preliminary summaries of key vari-
ables in the database. We also put forth a research agenda intended to build understanding about the processes
that led to these actions, their implications for future efforts to design and implement pedestrian and bicycle
infrastructure, and ways in which the transport professions might evolve in response to lessons learned during
and after the pandemic.

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