Guidelines and recommendations on tracking walking & cycling for mobility planning and behaviour change

Tipo de publicação


Tipo de autoria

Empresa privada

Nome do autor




Abrangência geográfica


Ano da publicação


Palavra chave 1


Palavra chave 2

Mobilidade Sustentável

Palavra chave 3



This Toolkit presents practical
recommendations and guidelines to
using the approach developed by TRACE ,
which aims to improve urban mobility planning
by tracking walking and cycling movements
in cities.
The primary target audience of the TRACE
Toolkit are decision makers, urban planners
and practitioners in the fields of urban and
transport planning, working at local authorities,
who are interested in introducing policies and
measures that promote a shift towards more
sustainable and healthy modes of transport.
Local stakeholders, citizens and advocacy
groups, and ICT developers and transport
consultancies and researchers, are also
addressed in this document.
TRACE innovation consists of introducing a
tracking element in local mobility campaigns
and planning. Tracking applications have been
used to improve the effectiveness of behaviour
change campaigns and to collect tracking data
useful for urban planning.
This Toolkit explains how local authorities can
benefit from tracking movements in their city,
and how the derived data provide information
for a better identification of priorities both on
the infrastructure and communication side. It
also provides some background information
about the essential components of a tracking
campaign and detailed and practical guidance
for its implementation and evaluation, built
on the experience of 17 campaigns carried
out during the project. Finally, tailored
recommendations are provided to different
types of stakeholders, on how to exploit the
results of the TRACE project and the potential
of tracking for planning in urban areas.

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