Complete Streets Chicago – Design Guidelines
Tipo de publicação
Tipo de autoria
Instituição pública
Nome do autor
Departament of Transportation Chicago
Abrangência geográfica
País estrangeiro específico
Estados Unidos
Ano da publicação
Palavra chave 1
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Palavra chave 5
The Chicago Department of Transportation
(CDOT) works to ensure that our streets are
safe and designed for all users. The City of
Chicago’s Complete Streets policy states:
The safety and convenience of all users of the
transportation system including pedestrians,
bicyclists, transit users, freight, and motor
vehicle drivers shall be accommodated and
balanced in all types of transportation and
development projects and through all phases
of a project so that even the most vulnerable –
children, elderly, and persons with disabilities
– can travel safely within the public right-ofway.
CDOT issues Complete Streets Chicago:
Design Guidelines to implement this policy.
To create complete streets, CDOT has
adopted a pedestrian-first modal hierarchy.
All transportation projects and programs,
from scoping to maintenance, will favor
pedestrians first, then transit riders, cyclists,
and automobiles.
This paradigm will balance Chicago’s streets
and make them more “complete.” In addition,
street design will be conducted in a manner
that supports context and modal priorities and
is not limited by rigid engineering standards.
This will allow staff to develop innovative
solutions that meet the over-arching goal of a
complete street.