Anchoring Road Safety Around Schools

Data do início do evento


Hora do evento


Tipo do evento


Instituição organizadora

ITDP Global

Palavra chave 1


Palavra chave 2


Palavra chave 3

Segurança viária


Safe walking and cycling is necessary for children and youth to move around the city and specifically to reach their schools. The street space continues to be the point of contention, and many cities are building wider streets for cars to overcome the problems of traffic. At the same time, every year, road traffic injuries continue to be the main cause of death among youth, underscoring the daring need for road safety policies and programs. In cities around the world, schools are becoming the anchors for creating a movement for safer streets for children and youth, and their caregivers.

This webinar will showcase how programs like safe school zones and safe routes to schools can address the mobility concerns of the most vulnerable people in the city. Presenters will share experiences and best practices from Mexico City, Rio de Janeiro and Addis Ababa in implementing the programs and targeted interventions.